Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Social Stratification in MLKââ¬â¢s ââ¬ÅLetters from Birmingham...
Martin Luther King Jr. was an eloquent speaker and a powerful figure during the Civil Rights Movement. In ââ¬Å"Letters from Birmingham Jailâ⬠, his use of the classical rhetoric engaged his audience and presented his thoughts/ideas clearly. Moreover, this particular text was initiated due to the non-violent demonstrations in Birmingham, AL, that lead to the arrest of many African-Americans. Although this was not a spoken document, the letter was targeted for several audiences; first, the clergymen who wrote ââ¬Å"A Call for Unityâ⬠, secondly, the average white American, who was on neither extreme, but merely kept life the way that it was, and finally, to black men and women across the nation to stand up for their rights as well. Dr. Martin Lutherâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The posture that is depicted here informs the viewers that there was no intent to instigate physical abuse/violence at any of the peaceful demonstrations that were organized in Birmingham. Although already established as a pacifist, Dr. King is also aggressive in stating that ââ¬Å"Non-violent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issueâ⬠(42). Through the founding of this hard-felt tension, Martin Luther is able to coerce ââ¬Å"white moderateâ⬠(47) and the clergy that now is the time for negotiations. The long drawn out excuses and complacency for the standing social classification have come to pass and now was the time to rise to the occasion. Moreover, Dr. King was able to draw from historical references in order to formulate an educated argument against the violent, racist practices elicited in those times. Arranged in the letter, are the four steps taken for successful non-violent action; ââ¬Å"â⬠¦collection of the facts to determine where injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct actionâ⬠(41). At this juncture, th e reader can logically follow the speaker and come to the same conclusion; that nowhere in the preparation or the delivery, is there meant to be any form of physical damage to persons or property. Moreover, Dr. King blatantly argues that their ââ¬Å"â⬠¦actions, even thoughShow MoreRelatedRedefining Structure: Social Stratification in MLKââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Letters from Birmingham Jailâ⬠1723 Words à |à 7 Pagesan eloquent speaker and a powerful figure during the Civil Rights Movement. In ââ¬Å"Letters from Birmingham Jail,â⬠he uses the classical rhetoric to engage his audience and present his ideas clearly. This particular text was initiated due to the non-violent demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama, which led to the arrest of many African-Americans, including King himself. Although this was not a spoken document, the letter was directed to several targeted audiences: first, the clergymen who wrote ââ¬Å"A Call
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Great Depression Of 1929 Essay - 2073 Words
It is almost nine decades since the outbreak of great depression of 1929 and it still haunts the economy of America today. The Great Depression was a time of financial hardships and misery for the Americans. America experienced a time of wreckage and terror. The Great Depression was not a sudden collapse. Many events led up to the most traumatic economic period of modern times. World War I, the ââ¬Å"Roaring Twentiesâ⬠and unequal distribution of wealth among the people were all origins of the Great Depression but a specific cause to this disaster stills remains a mystery today. After World War I ended Americans wanted a change in their country. Women wanted more rights and were given the right to vote by 1920. Women became more independent and worked to help their family and ease the burden of the men at house. Americans wanted to improve their country. Americans spent their money on improving their roads, bridges and real estate. New technologies like refrigerators, televisi ons, radios and cars were mass-produced to make life easier. With the development of new technologies accessibility were endless. Radios covered news; music and other forms of entertainment, middle class were able to afford cars due to Henry Fordââ¬â¢s method of assembly line. Technology improved productivity in the manufacturing area to an extent that raised living standards for many. Not every Americans were able to afford the latest appliances, in order to make this technological revolution more convenientShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of 19291473 Words à |à 6 PagesThe first economic collapse of its magnitude, the Great Depression of 1929, produced devastating effects with lasting longevity. Though born in America, it maintained its origin and spread rapidly throughout the industrial world. The election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought upon changes that improved Americaââ¬â¢s overall economic situation. A new leaderââ¬â¢s viewpoint along with The New Deal and its reform programs, and a second World War improved the conditions brought about by the economicRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 19291049 Words à |à 5 Pages The Great Depression of 1929 was a deadly blow to the economy. This occurs when the United State won the World War I. After the war people who worked in the factories making weapons lost their job. People who came back from the war did not when back to work they were proud of themselves having fun time buying stocks. Then the disaster happened, on October 29 the Black Tuesday the stock market crashes, the stock drop the banker who bought the stock invest more money into the stock hope the stockRead MoreGreat Depression of 19293549 Words à |à 15 PagesThe Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn which started in October of 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s. It began in the United States and quickly spread to Europe and every part of the world, with devastating effects in both industrialized co untries and producers of raw materials. International trade declined sharply, as did personal incomes, tax revenues, prices and profits. Cities all around the world were hit hard, especially those based on heavy industry. Unemployment andRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929 Essay2122 Words à |à 9 PagesThe Great Depression of 1929 is a worldwide depression that lasts until the beginning of World War II in 1939. The Word of Revelation describes this event, as the merchants who are the worldââ¬â¢s important people, and they will not hear again. By each magic spell, all the nations find themselves astrayâ⬠(Revelation 18:23). Here, God instructions the heavens to rejoice over the fall of the United Statesââ¬â¢ internal and external systems. There is joy in this because this system is an evil system of intoleranceRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 19291125 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Great Depression The Great Depression began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. The Great Depression was one of the worst periods in the history of the United Sates. Along with the U.S, many other nations around the globe were also affected. The Depression kicked off when the stock market crashed in October 1929. Many investors were wiped out; as a result, people started to panic. The Great Depression brought about unemployment and poverty. The nation was shaken to its foundation. Everyone from richRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929-19392217 Words à |à 9 PagesAlthough the Great Depression of 1929-1939 was a detrimental and hard time for America due to increases in crime rates, unemployment rates, and shortages of food, the economic collapse was also a time for President Franklin Roosevelt to reassess the economic situation in America. Roosevelt put in place laws, agencies, and legislature that better shaped the structure of the country, and ultimately created a more powerful and stronger country, both economically and socially. The new legislature thatRead MoreThe Crash Of 1929 : The Great Depression969 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Crash of 1929 The 1920ââ¬â¢s in America were known as the ââ¬Å"Roaring Twenties.â⬠Americans could all live a life of luxury. Technological advances and new inventions were improving the quality of life in every home. Working class Americans were able to enjoy automobiles, telephones, and new appliances. Banks began to finance these new lavish commodities to citizens using installment plans. No one was deprived the right of living the American dream. However, excessive borrowing, stock speculationRead MoreThe Great Depression ( 1929-1939 )1813 Words à |à 8 PagesThe Great Depression (1929-1939) is the worst economic downturn that the modern world has ever seen before. Beginning with the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929, the situation grew worse in the United States, in part, due to the tremendous wealth disparity between the higher class and the lower class. Wages did not grow nearly as quickly as production did during this era, so many people were unable to purchase certain goods. As a result, there was an excess in supply, which prompted layoffsRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 1929 And World War II988 Words à |à 4 Pages55 million, but their population is declining. According to, they are retirees in majority and formed the largest voting population. Seniors or veterans also called Silent Generation inherited the consequences of the Great Depression of 1929 and World War II. They feel gratified by the effort or work, they are struggling to work and usually stay for long in the same company. They are obedient and respectful to authority, they are cautious and have a sense of duty but modern technologiesRead MoreThe Great Depression of 1929 vs. the Great Recession of 20082799 Words à |à 12 PagesThe Great Depression of 1929 Vs. The Great Recession of 2008 In America there have been great economic struggles and triumphs. The many great leaders of this country have foraged, failed, and overcome some very difficult times. Comparing the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 has revealed similarities that by learning from our mistakes in 1929 could have prevented the latest recession. I will discuss the causes of the Great Depression and the Great Recession, and what policies
Monday, December 9, 2019
Dramatic Devices Essay Example For Students
Dramatic Devices Essay An Inspector Calls is one of the most famous and well respected plays ever written. It was written by JB Priestley in 1945, although it was actually set in 1912.à The play is about a pretentious, upper class family called the Birlings, who are presented at first to have a lack of respect for other peoples feelings and anybody not as wealthy as themselves. This lack of respect is depicted to us so dramatically that it shows an inequality in there society. However, one evening when the Birlings are happily celebrating the engagement of their daughter, Shelia Birling, to her fiancà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ Gerald they are interrupted by a knock on the door. It is an Inspector. The plot then unfolds, when the Birlings are told that a girl has died in the infirmary due to drinking a bottle of disinfectant. Nevertheless it leads to a long and heated interrogation with each person until it becomes clear that the all so innocent Birlings do have to take some blame for this poor defenceless girls death, as she was practically driven to suicide by the ignorance and selfishness of the Birlings. After all of the Birling family and Gerald are proven guilty of something, that could have pushed the girl/Eva Smith over the edge, they find out that the inspector is a fake and is not really any kind of policeman. The Birlings also call the infirmary to check the details of the girls death, but they are astonished to find out that there has not been a suicide in months, let alone that day. So they know that the Inspector must be some kind of power freak or somebody who thinks of himself as a kind of Good Samaritan. Priestly sets his play in 1912 opposed to 1946 for two very good reasons.à One reason was that he wanted to get social morals across, to do with the hierarchy in the class system, in order to show the disparity between the rich and poor. This could only be shown before the social welfare system was put in place, or it wouldnt have the same effect because the difference between the rich and poor wasnt so drastic after the system was introduced. In 1912 the only type of aid for the lower class was charitable organisation and even that was a lost cause, as proved in Inspector calls. This is when Eva Smith went to a charitable organisation for money so she could look after her baby properly. However Mrs Birling (who works at the organisation) takes this case personally, because Eva came to them under a fake name of Mrs Birling. This offends Mrs Birling and she ends up becoming abrupt and biased against Eva Smith. Buy showing the power that Mrs Birling has, a huge social disparity is shown between them. This really shows how much power people like Mr and Mrs Brisling had in the early 1900 hundreds and how little people in the working class like Eva Smith had. The power diversity shown here is a typical display of injustice. Another reason why Priestley set the play in 1912 was because he wanted to show how rich and snobby the Birlings really were. Because the play was released in 1946(the year the war ended) people had not had many luxuries and nice food for quite some time. However in 1912 no time of struggle was upon the nation therefore food and luxuries were as available as ever. So when the first scene depicts a family stuffing themselves with food and whiskey like pigs, people got an immediate impression that these were extremely wealthy upper class people who were being greedy and selfish with the food. .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c , .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .postImageUrl , .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c , .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:hover , .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:visited , .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:active { border:0!important; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:active , .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uda9d63233fbeb29b43c6682e4f55468c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What does Priestley show the audience about responsibility EssayOne technique which Priestley uses as a dramatic device to display injustice is the use of stage directions, lighting, scenery, character positioning and gestures. He uses them very effectively when he needs to emphasise something dramatic by creating a huge build up to it. Priestley also uses very sudden changes in lighting or movement when he needs to emphasise that there is an atmosphere or tension in the room. The first example of this is when we first meet the inspector. The lighting in the room before the inspector comes is a light pink colour to show how happy everyone is, but when the inspector walks in to the room the lights change to dazzling white light. Priestley does this to emphasise the power of the Inspector so that we almost see him as a god like figure when he first walks into the room. This dramatic device works so well because it makes us as viewers concentrate intently on the Inspector, which allows Priestley to build a complicated and interesting plot through the Inspector.à Priestley uses the stage set in the opening scene to build up an atmosphere and to show how it was in 1912. E.g; good solid furniture of the period and all characters elegantly dressed.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The History In To Kill A Mockingbird Essays - To Kill A Mockingbird
The History In To Kill A Mockingbird The History in, To Kill a Mockingbird. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, has many different relations to American history. The book shows good examples of racism, working life, church, and many other things. The book takes place sometime in the 1930's. It's about two children named Jem and Scout. They are very imaginative kids always making up new games and other things to pass the time. In the beginning of the book they are obsessed with one of their neighbors, Boo Radley. They think that Boo is a crazy man that killed his parents. Jem, Scout, and their cousin, Dill, decide to go up and see if they can see what is going on inside the Radley house. Once they get up to the house they hear a noise and run off, but Jem loses his pants of a fence wire. The entire first part of the book is all about the kids trying to find out all about the Radley's. The second part of the book is about Atticus (Scout and Jem's father) defending a black man named Tom Robinson in court. Tom was accused of beating and raping a nineteen year old girl named Mayella. This is the section of the book with the most examples of American history. Everybody in the town of Maycomb looks down on Atticus because he is defending a black man in court. All evidence in the case shows Tom Robinson innocent, but he is still charged guilty because of the all white jury. The actual rapist was Mayella's father. In the end of the book, Tom is shot so that he wouldn't be found innocent. The part of the book that involves the most American history is the court case where Tom Robinson is found guilty just because he is black. There have been many similar cases to the Tom Robinson trial during this time in history. Most black men would have a very slim chance of being found innocent just because of their race, and the white majority. Another good example of American history in To Kill a Mockingbird, is the way the churches were run. The white people would go to their church every Sunday and worship much like the people do today. The real American history is in the black church. In the black church, very few of the people had the ability to read, so they didn't have any hymn books. One person would start singing a hymn and the entire church would stand up and join in, singing and clapping. The people in the black church during that time were always looking out for each other. In the book, when Tom Robinson was in jail, the black church began collecting money to help support his family while he was away. If they didn't collect enough money the first time the tray was passed around, it would keep going around till the goal was met. These are some of the big relations between Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird, and real American history. It was a good book, and very accurately written to actual American history. American History
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How Quick-Dry Nail Polish Works
How Quick-Dry Nail Polish Works A lot of science goes into quick-drying nail polish products. Have you ever wondered which quick-dry products work and how they dry your nails faster? Heres how it works. How Quick-Drying Nail Polish Works Quick-drying nail polish contains the same ingredients as regular nail polish, except it, has even more solvent. The solvent evaporates quickly, reducing your drying time. Disadvantages Faster drying comes at a price. Since there is more solvent than usual, quick-drying formulations tend to be runnier than regular polish and leave behind a thinner coat of polish. Usually, a second film forming ingredient (copolymer) is added to quick drying formulations so that they will form a coat in a short amount of time. Some people feel the quick polishes produce a duller or weaker coat than you would get from regular polish. Other Quick Dry Products Quick-drying nail polish isnt the only route to a fast finish. There are other quick-dry products, such as sprays or drops that you apply over the polish to make it dry almost instantly. These products typically contain volatile silicones which evaporate fast, taking the polish solvent along with them. The top film of the polish forms almost immediately, so youre less likely to smudge your nails. Depending on how thick the polish is, you may still need a few minutes to get a good hard set that wont dent under pressure.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Bad Sources for Your Research Project
Bad Sources for Your Research Project In conducting research for homework or an academic paper, you are basically conducting a search for facts: little tidbits of truth that you will assemble and arrange in an organized fashion to make an original point or claim. Your responsibility as a researcher is to understand the difference between fact and fiction, as well as the difference between fact and opinion. When beginning your next assignment that requires sources, consider the credibility of those sources before including them in your final project. Here are some common sources to avoid; each of these may include opinions and works of fiction disguised as facts. Blogs As you know, anyone can publish a blog on the Internet. The problem with using a blog as a research source is there no way to know the credentials of many bloggers or to get an understanding of the writerââ¬â¢s level of expertise. People often create blogs to give themselves a forum to express their views and opinions. And many of these people consult less than reliable sources to form their beliefs. You could use a blog for a quote, but never use a blog as a serious source of facts for a research paper. Personal Web Sites A personal web page is much like a blog when it comes to being an unreliable research source. Web pages are created by the public, so you have to be careful when choosing them as sources. Its sometimes difficult to determine which websites are created by experts and professionals on a given topic. If you think about it, using information from a personal web page is much like stopping a perfect stranger on the street and collecting information from him or her. Wiki Sites Wiki websites can be informative, but they can also be untrustworthy. Wiki sites allow groups of people to add and edit the information contained on the pages. So its easy to see how a wiki source might contain unreliable information. The question that often arises when it comes to homework and research is whether itââ¬â¢s okay to use Wikipedia as a source of information. Wikipedia is a fantastic site with a wealth of great information, and it is the possible exception to the rule. Your teacher can tell you for certain if you can use Wikipedia as a source. At a minimum, Wikipedia offers a reliable overview of a topic to give you a strong foundation to start with. It also provides a list of resources where you can continue your own research. Movies Teachers, librarians, and college professors will tell you that students often believe things theyââ¬â¢ve seen in movies. Whatever you do, donââ¬â¢t use a movie as a research source. Movies about historical events can contain kernels of truth, but unless its a documentary, movies are not for educational purposes. Historical Novels Students often believe that historical novels are trustworthy sources because they indicate that they are ââ¬Å"based on facts.â⬠There is a significant difference between a factual work and a work that is based on facts. A novel that is based on a single fact can still contain ninety-nine percent fiction. Therefore, its not advisable to use a historical novel as a historical resource. ï » ¿
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7
Research Proposal Example The results in this research will be very useful in improving various businesses across the world. The research shall identify the various factors that make leadership the main tool in implementing business strategies. The paper shall highlight the type of leadership important in promoting business strategies in order to maximize production Leadership is very important in strategic management. The leadership organization is very broad and does not only include a single executive. It comprises of an effective team that offers the way for the organization. The team should posses certain leadership traits such as honesty, trustworthy, risk taker, innovative. With the traits in place, the team could lead the organization in implementing certain strategies. The study will find the specific role that the leadership has to play in implementing these strategies. The study is very important in spreading the awareness message of the importance of leadership in any organization. In addition, the primordial importance of the study is to provide necessary leadership information to the leaders of various businesses. The information may include their specific roles in implementing various strategies that are important in their organization. In the end, it would assist in improving the leadership skills of these leaders. Thus, the study would be an important tool in improving the production level of various businesses. The study will be the basis of identifying various tools in strategic management. The tools will be important in implementing different strategies in the organization. Furthermore, it would help business develop the important phases used during implementation of the strategies. The study aims at identifying the role of management or leadership in the implementation of strategies. The study shall show the importance of leaders when it comes to formulation of strategies. The strategies are the backbone for any
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Project 2 plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project 2 plan - Essay Example The second form is filled in by the investigating officer and comprises of stating the corrective action taken and the medical treatment administered. Conducting the investigation follows five phases; preparing for the investigation where the report of the accident is submitted, gathering evidence and information which can be executed by using digital photographs to extract evidence like camera matching, photogrammetry and rectification. It can also be done by interviewing witnesses for example by using the indirect conversational approach where the witness talks freely about the incident or through questioning the witness based upon his responses. The third phase is analyzing the data which attempts to understand the accident based on the available data collected. Various techniques are used like fault tree, failure modes and effects analysis, cause-consequence analysis and simulation. The fourth phase is discussion of the analysis and conclusion which involves documentation of the accident based on the understanding from the available data. The last phase is recommendations whereby specific advice is given on how to evade reoccu rrence of the accident based upon the investigation
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Azt Pricing Decision Essay Example for Free
Azt Pricing Decision Essay In 1986, Burroughs-Wellcome Company introduced the first major breakthrough against acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It was the life-prolonging drug AZT. The product has turned out to be very successful for the company and, largely because of AZTââ¬â¢s success, Burroughs-Wellcomeââ¬â¢s profits have doubled in the three years ending in 1988. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to expand the authorization for the drugââ¬â¢s usage to those who are infected with the AIDS virus, but not yet showing signs of serious illness. The estimate of the size of this market is hundreds of thousands rather than the tens of thousand who are currently sick with AIDS (1988). The controversy over the drug centers on its price. AZT costs about $8,600 for a yearââ¬â¢s supply for each patient (lowered from $10,000 in 1987). Critics in the gay, medical, and legal communities contend that Burroughs-Wellcome executives are ââ¬Å"corporate extortionists.â⬠Some believe that the company has already made too much money at the expense of the sick. The price is so far out of reach of indigent and moderate-income people that the federal government had to step in with subsidies of millions of dollars. Burroughs-Wellcome defends it pricing practices by stating that its profit margins (in the 50-70 percent range) are in line with those companies introducing new drugs. They contend these high returns are necessary to finance research and recoup the millions of dollars invested in developing the drug. They initially gave the drug free-of-charge to as many as 5,000 AIDS patients and spent $80 million on a new plant. Additional criticism revolves around the actual development of the drug. The Wall Street Journal stated, ââ¬Å"But Wellcomeââ¬â¢s moral position is undercut by its relatively minor role in the creation of AZT.â⬠Researchers at the Michigan Cancer Foundation, from West Germany, and at the National Cancer Institute are credited with the major discoveries that led to AZT. Nevertheless, Wellcome performed toxicology, pharmacology, and animal studies before AZT was given to the first human volunteer. It also financed the big clinical trial and bankrolled the give-away to the patients in the initial experiment. Wellcome is under pressure to cut its price. The government is attempting to institute a ââ¬Å"reasonable priceâ⬠clause where an unduly high price could trigger a government order for a company to open its books. Any company found in violation could be sued for breach of contract. Congress is also studying AZT and one Congressman wrote the company contending that the original price rationale (achieving a decent return on investment during a short product life) no longer exists as the drug has been on the market for three years and the market is growing for the product.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Vascular Epiphytes of Far North Queensland :: Botany Plants Nature Essays
Vascular Epiphytes of Far North Queensland There are several definitions of epiphytic plants, each with a subtle difference. Heywood (1993) states that an epiphyte is, "A plant that grows on the surface of another, without deriving food from its host". Raven (1992) states that an epiphyte is, "a plant that grows on another plant, but is not parasitic on it." Basically, a plant that derives its physical support from another plant (host = phorophyte (Luttge 1989)) is an epiphyte. Epiphytes fill important ecological niches in variety of habitats. Epiphytic species can exist as 50% of the tree leaf mass and make up 30% to 50% of vascular plant diversity in tropical forests (Benzing 1990). It is thought that the epiphytic diversity in tropical forests allows an increased fauna diversity. Epiphytic species, while not agronomically important, play intricate roles in ecology. HISTORY Columbus wrote the first known documentation of an epiphytic species. Martinus de la Cruz, an Aztec Indian physician, illustrated the first epiphyte (an orchid) in the Badianus Manuscript in 1552. Trade around the world by the 1770's included many exotic and tropical plants with epiphytic species among them. Orchids, ferns and others were valued by decorators and collectors (Benzing 1990). Scientific interest did not keep pace with trade interest. The scientific study of epiphytes has not been extensive when compared to the study of plants with other specializations, ie. carnivory. Within recent years, due to increased interest in rainforest preservation, an increase in epiphytic study and resulting literature has occurred. EVOLUTION Epiphytes have evolved to take advantage of resources not widely available to other plants. Epiphytes have evolved a variety of morphological and physiological differences to deal with difficulty in mineral absorption, photosynthesis, propagation, water acquisition and water retention. There are two basic theories on the evolution of epiphytes. The first theory indicates that epiphytes may have been shade adapted plants, struggling for light that moved into the canopy. The second theory suggests that plants preadapted to high sun exposure moved from dry savannahs and steppes into the canopy (Luttge 1989). The fossil record does not provide any support for either theory mentioned above. Plant and pollen fossils thought to belong to current day plant families containing epiphytes, can't be labeled epiphytic because the ancient habitats of the plants can't be readily observed. Other research has proposed that epiphytic diversity arose from the Pleistocene / Pliocene ages (roughly 1.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Great Expectations Essay
ââ¬Å"Even though Pip has become snobbish by the end of Book One, Dickens still manages to make the reader like himâ⬠. Show how and why Pip has become something of a snob and what makes us retain our sympathy for him ââ¬â Tom Beach In Great Expectations Dickens depicts Pip as having an increasingly snobbish character throughout Book One. He shows Pip to have an exaggerated respect for his social position and his growing hatred for the common life that he lives. The reader sees that Pipââ¬â¢s snobbishness is due to his desire to become a gentleman and his aspiration to be liked by Estella, from whom he adopts some of his snobbish attitudes. Even though it is clear to the reader that Pip has become somewhat of a snob, Dickens encourages the reader to still like Pip. He puts across that Pip is an orphan and that these snobbish feelings we see are just outward feelings. We learn that he was not proud of the snobbish character that he had become from the way he looks back on his life as an adult. These events make the reader feel sympathy for Pip, leading the reader to retain their criticism of him. In Book One of Great Expectations we see Dickens show Pipââ¬â¢s progressively snobbish character in many ways. After Pipââ¬â¢s first visit to Satis house and after falling for Estella we see Pips ambition to become a gentleman. We see that Pip blames Joe for being common, and for Joe not bringing him up as Pip thinks he should: ââ¬Å"I wish Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too. â⬠We see Pipââ¬â¢s snobbish character developing as he blames Joe for being common; he is ââ¬Ëashamed of the dear good fellowââ¬â¢ and disappointed in him for being so ââ¬Ëignorant and commonââ¬â¢. Pip is patronising towards Joe for something Joe has no control over. Pip feels he is able to comment on Joeââ¬â¢s social status because he does not belong to ââ¬Ë[his]ââ¬â¢ higher society and would be an embarrassment in front of Estella. This sudden change of attitude in Pip that wants to dismiss his family comes as a great shock to the reader. We see this to be a case of him being a snob. In Book One, one of the main points of Pips character that shows Pip to be something of a snob is his patronising attitude towards Mrs Joe. When Pip is going to see Miss Havisham with Joe and accompanied with Mrs Joe Pip feels embarrassed because they are trying to dress up to much: ââ¬Å"I am not quite clear whether these articles were carried penitentially or ostentatiously. â⬠Pip feels that his sister, Mrs Joe is very much overdressed, trying to look more ladylike that she really is. He is very patronising to her, as seen in the above quotation for simply being overdressed. Pip feels he is above her. Pip shows his growing snobbishness due to the fact that he is so willingly able to dismiss who he is and what he should become: I had believed in the forge as the glowing road to manhood and independence. Within a single year, all this was changed. Now, it was all coarse and common. We see Pip has lost faith in his normal life in the forge, dismissing the fact that that a life in the forge is what he is meant for. Pip will never like Joesââ¬â¢ trade and is sad when he is made apprentice to him: ââ¬Å"And what could I possibly do then, but say I was enjoying myself ââ¬â when I wasnââ¬â¢t. â⬠Pip feels that the apprenticeship will tie him away from his ambition. He feels the forge is so ââ¬Ëcoarse and commonââ¬â¢ that it will prevent him from becoming a gentleman. Pip feels that he is too good for the community that he lives in; he wants to get away from it: ââ¬Å"It would be very disagreeable to be stared at by all the people here. â⬠We see Pip deciding not to go into town in his new suit. He again feels that he is above all the people in the village, that ââ¬Ëthey would make such a business of it ââ¬â such a coarse and common businessââ¬â¢ that ââ¬Ë[he] couldnââ¬â¢t bear [himself]ââ¬â¢. This fact that he looks down on everybody in the village depicts him as a vain snob; he is not going to be a ââ¬Ërusticââ¬â¢ man anymore. In the closing stages of Book One we see Pip being very snobbish and capricious towards Biddy, a girl who looks after the house and has fallen in love with Pip: ââ¬ËBiddyââ¬â¢ I returned with some resentment, ââ¬Ëyou are so exceedingly quick that itââ¬â¢s difficult to keep up with you. ââ¬Ë
Saturday, November 9, 2019
History of Ganga River Essay
The Ganges is one of the major rivers of the Indian subcontinent, flowing east through the Gangetic Plain of northern India into Bangladesh. The 2,510 km (1,560 mi) river rises in the western Himalayas in the Uttarakhand state of India, and drains into the Sunderbans delta in the Bay of Bengal. It has long been considered a holy river by Hindus and worshiped as the goddess Ganga in Hinduism. It has also been important historically: many former provincial or imperial capitals (such as Patliputra, Kannauj, Kara, Allahabad, Murshidabad,and Calcutta) have been located on its banks. The Ganges Basin drains 1,000,000-square-kilometre (390,000 sq mi) and supports one of the world`s highest densities of humans. The average depth of the river is 52 feet (16 m), and the maximum depth, 100 feet (30 m). The river has been declared as India`s National River. The many symbolic meanings of the river on the Indian subcontinent were spoken to in 1946 by Jawaharlal Nehru in his Discovery of India, The Ganges, above all is the river of India, which has held India`s heart captive and drawn uncounted millions to her banks since the dawn of history. The story of the Ganges, from her source to the sea, from old times to new, is the story of India`s civilization and culture, of the rise and fall of empires, of great and proud cities, of adventures of man. Although many small streams comprise the headwaters of the Ganges, the six longest headstreams and their five confluences are given both cultural and geographical emphasis (see the map showing the headwaters of the river). The Alaknanda River meets the Dhauliganga River at Vishnuprayag, the Nandakini River at Nandprayag, the Pindar River at Karnaprayag, and the Mandakini River at Rudraprayag and finally the Bhagirathi River at Devprayag, to form the mainstream, the Ganges. The Bhagirathi is the source stream; it rises at the foot of Gangotri Glacier, at Gaumukh, at an elevation of 3,892 m (12,769 ft). The headwaters of the Alaknanda are formed by snowmelt from such peaks as Nanda Devi, Trisul, and Kamet. Ganga River is also said to be the river of supreme Lord Rama and also called ââ¬Å"Ram Gangaâ⬠as there is a belief Lord Rama promised while Ganges emerged from his feet that, when He will appear on earth as Lord Rama will reside on the banks of Ganga and her tributaries. Lord Ram then appeared in Ayodhya which is on the banks of Saryu Ganga River, when he went to Janakpuri he crossed River Ganga in Haridwar. Duringà his 14 years exile from Sita, his wife and brother Lakshmana after leaving Ayodhya his first night stay was at Tamsa River (Ganga tributaries), his second stay was at Shrungverpur which is on the banks of Ganga and with the help of Nishadraj Gruh and Kevat he crossed Ganga, he then went to Triveni sangam, Prayag Raj stayed with Muni Bharadvaj and then marched towards Chitrakoot and stayed there for 11 and half years on Kamadgiri parvat on the banks of Mandakini, holy stream. From there he went to Panchvati and stayed on the bank of Godavari until his wife sitaji was abducted by demon king Ravana. The search for his beloved wife Sita, Lord Rama went to Rameshwaram, as it is said all rivers meet the ocean. Pollution in Ganga River Today, over 29 cities, 70 towns, and thousands of villages extend along the Ganga banks. Nearly all of their sewage ââ¬â over 1.3 billion liters per day ââ¬â goes directly into the river, along with thousands of animal carcasses, mainly cattle. Another 260 million liters of industrial waste are added to this by hundreds of factories along the rivers banks. Municipal sewage constitutes 80 per cent by volume of the total waste dumped into the Ganga, and industries contribute about 15 percent. The majority of the Ganga pollution is organic waste, sewage, trash, food, and human and animal remains. Over the past century, city populations along the Ganga have grown at a tremendous rate, while waste-control infrastructure has remained relatively unchanged. Recent water samples collected in Varanasi revealed fecal-coliform counts of about 50,000 bacteria per 100 milliliters of water, 10,000% higher than the government standard for safe river bathing. The result of this pollution is a n array of water-borne diseases including cholera, hepatitis, typhoid and amoebic dysentery. An estimated 80% of all health problems and one-third of deaths in India are attributable to water-borne diseases. The sacred practice of depositing human remains in the Ganga also poses health threats because of the unsustainable rate at which partially cremated cadavers are dumped. In Varanasi, some 40,000 cremations are performed each year, most on wood pyres that do not completely consume the body. Along with the remains of these traditional funerals, there are thousands more who cannot afford cremation and whose bodies are simply thrown into the Ganga. In addition, the carcasses of thousands of dead cattle, which are sacred to Hindus, go into the river eachà year. An inadequate cremation procedures contributes to a large number of partially burnt or unburnt corpses floating down the Ganga. Hundreds of corpses burn on the line of wooden pyres. Soot-covered men bustle about, raking in the still-glowing ashes, sweeping them into the river. Gray dust from the pyres floats atop the waves, mixing with flower garlands and foam. The dust and debris resurfaces some distance away, this time, intermixed with polythene bags, empty cans and dirty clothes. This is the holy Ganga at its holiest spot Varanasi. The industrial pollutants also a major source of contamination in the Ganga. A total of 146 industries are reported to be located along the river Ganga between Rishikesh and Prayagraj. 144 of these are in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) and 2 in Uttrakhand. The major polluting industries on the Ganga are the leather industries, especially near Kanpur, which use large amounts of Chromium and other toxic chemical waste, and much of it finds its way into the meager flow of the Ganga. From the plains to the sea, pharmaceutical companies, electronics plants, textile and paper industries, tanneries, fertilizer manufacturers and oil refineries discharge effluent into the river. This hazardous waste includes hydrochloric acid, mercury and other heavy metals, bleaches and dyes, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls highly toxic compounds that accumulate in animal and human tissue. The tannery industry mushrooming in North India has converted the Ganga River into a dumping ground. The tanning industry discharges different types of waste into the environment, primarily in the form of liquid effluents containing organic matters, chromium, sulphide ammonium and other salts. According to the information obtained from the UP State Pollution Control Board, there are 402 tanneries operating in the city Kanpur of which 65 were closed On September 17, 2010 issuing notices to 253 tanneries operating in the city, the State Pollution Control Board has asked them to comply with central norms to curb pollution within 15 days or face consequences. A division bench of the Allahabad high court on January 19, 2011 asked UP chief secretary, who was present in the court, to f ile an affidavit about the action taken against those who were found involved in polluting river Ganga. The bench will now hear this case on February 14, next. The bench expressed concerned over the pollution in river Ganga and said that at Sangam in Allahabad river Ganga is dirty and its colour is brown. Ganga is getting polluted day-by-day. Nearly 170à factories and tanneries located between Kannauj and Varanasi, covering an area of 450 km, were found responsible for polluting the river by discharging wastes into it without treatment,â⬠Union Minister for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh told reporters on August 28, 2010. ââ¬Å"The government will issue show cause notices to these industrial units on August 30 and if they fail to take any action within 15 days, steps would be initiated to shut them,â⬠he said. In 1996, the Supreme Court had banned the discharge of effluents from various tanneries and factories located on its banks in Kanpur. However, industry is not the only source of pollution. Sheer volume of waste ââ¬â estimated at nearly 1 billion litres per day ââ¬â of mostly untreated raw sewage ââ¬â is a significant factor. Runoff from farms in the Ganga basin adds chemical fertilizers and pesticides such as DDT, which is banned in the United States because of its toxic and carcinogenic effects on humans and wildlife. Damming the river or diverting its water, mainly for irrigation purposes, also adds to the pollution crisis. Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals emitted from vehicles and presence of industrial units adjoining the Ganges is adding to the pollution load on the river, researchers have found on May 2010. Decades-long efforts by the government to breathe life into Ganga through massive clean-up programmes have come to naught. Consider this: Over Rs 1,000 crore have been pumped into the Ganga Action Plan I and II between 1985 and 2000, but Indias holiest river is still sullied. Discharge of untreated wastewater from towns along Ganga constitutes the major source of pollution load for the river. Against the estimated wastewater generation of around 3000 million liters per day (mld) from towns along the river Ganga, sewage treatment capacity of 1025 mld has been created so far under the Ganga Action Plan. This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests(Independent Charge) Shri Jairam Ramesh in Rajya Sabha on August 02, 2010. The incidence of gall bladder disease is high among people living near the Ganga and its tributaries, says the largest-ever study of the local population over six years.A team of doctors from Mumbai conducted the study and found high concentrations of heavy metals in the water and soil of 60 villages along the Indo-Gangetic plains that could be contributing to the disease. The study was published last week of January 2011 in the online edition of HPB, the official journal of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliaryà Association. It has identified eight villages in Biharââ¬â¢s Vaishali district, located near the river Gandak, with an unusually high rate of gall bladder disease.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Abe Lincoln essays
Abe Lincoln essays The book is Abraham Lincoln by Russell Freedman. It was published in in 1987 in Chicago. The author of the book wants you to realize how good of a person president Lincoln was. He says "Lincoln was a mysterious man, but is a great American folk hero." "Abraham Lincolm stood out in a crowd as much for his wit and rollicking humor as for his height." Lincoln was admired by many people and they loved his way of acting towards the common people. He was loved by everyone. Anyone who admired Abraham Lincoln or was wanting to learn more about him would want to read this book. People of all ages could read it and they would get a lot out of it. Not only do you read about Abraham Lincoln but about our country's history and what he did for it. This book covered many aspects of Lincoln's life. He showed pictures of him as a president and showed maps of where he lived and during the war what things he did for certain parts of the country. This book was very easy to read because it went in the same order as his life. From a small boy to a grown man and then finally it talked about his death. It covered everything he did both good and bad, from boy to grown man. I learned many new things about Lincoln and what he did. I always thought of him as a grumpy old man. The only reason he looked so sad and gloomy was becasue of the way he looked. He knew that he wasn't a very good looking person, but he covered that up with his charm and humor. I also learned that Lincoln spent a lot of time studying while he was growing up. One reason he knew how to handle things and deal with people is because of the way he had learned to talk to them. In this book there is an index. Is is very useful if you are wanting to look up a certain event that Lincoln was involved in or anything he did during this time period. It ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions
How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions How to Resolve Awkward Identifying Descriptions By Mark Nichol Writers often fail to note that a phrase they have constructed to describe a person, place, or thing- one that involves two parallel components, or one component subordinate to another, in sequence- can result in unwieldy strings of nouns functioning as adjectives leading up to a key noun. In each of the following sentences, following a discussion of the problem, such a train of stacked adjectives is uncoupled and rearranged for improved readability in one or more revisions. 1. ââ¬Å"Our idea and concept was to build a small place to entertain our friends and to have some foodies and chef friends around to create new and imaginative dishes,â⬠co-owner chef Stefan Stiller said in a statement. The conjunction and should separate two disparate identifying words or phrases associated with a personââ¬â¢s name: ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËOur idea and concept was to build a small place to entertain our friends and to have some foodies and chef friends around to create new and imaginative dishes,ââ¬â¢ co-owner and chef Stefan Stiller said in a statement.â⬠(A solidus, or slash, could be inserted to separate the terms, but this symbol should be avoided in formal writing.) An alternative is to use the personââ¬â¢s name to divide the identifying terms: ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËOur idea and concept was to build a small place to entertain our friends and to have some foodies and chef friends around to create new and imaginative dishes,ââ¬â¢ co-owner Stefan Stiller, a chef, said in a statement,â⬠However, it would be more appropriate to identify the speaker first as a chef and then as a co-owner. 2. FBI Criminal Investigation Division Deputy Assistant Director John Smith emphasized the potential for both the industry and regulators to benefit by improving collaboration. When a name is preceded by a cumbersome job title, and especially if that is preceded by a reference to the entity by which the person is employed, the information is easier to read if it follows the name and the train of terms is relaxed by beginning with the job title, followed by ââ¬Å"of theâ⬠and the entityââ¬â¢s name: ââ¬Å"John Smith, deputy assistant director of the FBIââ¬â¢s Criminal Investigation Division, emphasized the potential for both the industry and regulators to benefit by improving collaboration.â⬠(Note that the job title is not capitalized when it does not precede the personââ¬â¢s name.) 3. The Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists Fifteenth Annual Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference begins on April 1. The same approach is appropriate when the name of a component of an entity or an event presented by an entity is combined with the name of the entity: ââ¬Å"The fifteenth annual Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists begins on April 1.â⬠(Note that a reference to how many of these events have been held at regular intervals, such as ââ¬Å"fifteenth annual,â⬠is seldom part of an eventââ¬â¢s official designation and therefore is usually not capitalized.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsUsed To vs. Use ToWriting a Thank You Note
Sunday, November 3, 2019
TD 3 HRM - 404 How much (time, cost, scope) is enough or can you take Essay
TD 3 HRM - 404 How much (time, cost, scope) is enough or can you take 9 women and make a baby in one month - Essay Example 2003). Complexity of this time is due to a complex nature of software projects (Walker et al. 2006). Another justification for the law is the fact that additional staff increases communication expenses and thus delay in result. Most projects require a team that will ensure coordination of all its aspects from start to the end. Project management will, for this reason, require proper integration of people to ensure success of people (Lunce, 2003). Integration of many people into a project affect the outcome by geometrically increasing communication expenses and by reducing the number of experienced personnel need for the actual project development. A geometrical increase in communication overhead will reduce development productivity and the amount of time available for the development of the project (Walker et al. 2006). Experienced personnel also are reduced since they take their time to train new personnel. These new tasks burden the already overloaded workers. Giving these tasks also comes with a need for added coordination and re-planning and more time lost in interchanging development and training. The whole project development is likely to over-react if the adjustments triggers the schedule pressure (Walkewr et al. 2006). The worst case can be an increase in the estimated project duration. Integration of many people, for this reason, hinders the faster realization of the intended results. Brill, J. M., Bishop, M. J., & Walker, A. E. (2006). The competencies and characteristics required of an effective project manager; a web-based Delphi study. Educational Technology Research and Development, 54, 2,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The meaning of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The meaning of - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that when studying at high school levels, it was evident that most of the academic papers were referred to as essays even when some of them appeared as mere articles. In addition, most United States educators refer articles or essays as term or research papers. This forms the basis of my title the ââ¬Å"meaning of the term essayâ⬠, where I tend to explore the distinction of the term essay and other literally works such as articles. This is mostly true in the French history by essayist such as Montaigne in his pronounced use of the word essay in his literary work. The word essay has also been used to mean to examine, try, and to attempt to explain something with being sure of succeeding. The association of essay with experiments also gets its root from the same idea of attempting to explain something. Francis Bacon also attempted to emphasize the lack of empirical support of essay while attempting to establish its application in social sciences or arts. The key characteristic that draws a line or creates a distinction between essays an article depends exclusively on the writerââ¬â¢s assumptions, objectives, personal ideas, and style or structure of the literally material. A typical essay is not based on fixed place or a given time limit but unlike an article, it thrives on the ground of its original content. Also unlike pale articles, essays insist on good and fluent language, in fact in the most excellent essays good language is not narrowly a medium of communication, but communication on its own.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Monitoring ,Final review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Monitoring ,Final review - Essay Example This would also ensure that the deliverables are present in the right condition to ensure completion of the project and achievement of the set objectives. This will be done upon completion of the project, this ensures the construction is per the initial plan and any deviations are raised and necessary measures addressed to ensure full satisfaction of the stakeholders. Construction of stadium is should be effectively describes what the value is to the football sponsoring organisations from the results gained after the construction is complete. Ã Managing construction will involve value management of benefits, costs, timescales, and risks. Is the construction plan clearly defining the results expected to be gained after the stadium is constructed as per the construction plan, resources and time it will take for construction, the plan will proved agreed times for monitoring and placation of necessary inputs. Stage plans will be established to provide details on how and when the objectives stipulated by the stakeholders are being met by showing the construction plans and drawing, activities and resources required for construction. Ã The Stage Plan will provide a baseline against which stage progress will be measured and is used as the basis of management control throughout the stage in the proceeding construction stage. In monitoring the construction process a work package will be used to Sets out all information needed to deliver one or more specialist products. Ã The necessary information is collated by the Project Manager and used to formally pass responsibility for work or delivery to a team leader or member In the event of a change in the decision or strategy of construction will be identified in the stage. Stake holder may change or improve an idea and thus will be implemented at the change control strategy stage. Adequate information shall be provided by the Project Board to sponsor and stakeholders by providing a summary of each stage status at
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Claudius Ptolemys Contributions to Science
Claudius Ptolemys Contributions to Science Claudius Ptolemy The ancient world can be traced back to times of mysterious and enigmatic people. Some mysteries, however, remained unfathomed till date. Life, during those times, was very different; humans performed activities and tasks that gave a lot of prominence to the Gods and were primarily based on the cycle of nature. On the contrary, today, life has taken 360 degrees turn. Our life today is almost dependent on technological gadgets. The transition from then to now has been enormous. There is a stark difference observed in the lifestyles of both the ages. And it is not just the lifestyle there is a vast difference even in the thinking. Since ages, many questions have often been accumulating in the human mind such as, what are the dimensions of the earth, how many continents are there on the Earth, and what are the functions of the Moon and the Sun in our day-to-day lives. Now, the answers to these questions are just a click away. But when a similar scenario must have emerged during ancient times, people might have associated it with some myth or an old wivesââ¬â¢ tale. The transformation of people from an ancient era to the modern one was really a lengthy process where philosophers, thinkers, mathematicians, astronomers and geographers must have put across their observations and theories to the general public. However, change is never easy. Their ideas and concepts were not accepted instantly. In fact, they were all rejected outright and they were ridiculed as well as humiliated because of their beliefs and concepts. But all of them stood their ground and fought for what they believed was right. After a series of untiring efforts, they were rewarded and were proved right years after they passed away. It was the observation and contribution of these people which have now evolved into theories and concepts that help us simplify and demystify our lives. Let us shed light on the life of one such person who made a significant contribution in changing our lives. His name was Claudius Ptolemy. He was a Greek-Roman citizen, who displayed multiple talents of astronomy, mathematics, georgraphy, astrology and poetry. Decoding the Enigma In a distant town of Ptolemais Hermiou in Thebaid, Egypt, a child was born into the family of Ptolemies. The family was the descendant of Ptolemy Soter, a mighty General from the army of Alexander the Great in 90 AD. Although the family was rooted in Egypt, the Roman influence on the family was such that the infant was given a Roman name, Claudius. The name Claudius is a Roman nomen (Roman naming system) and the fact that Ptolemy bore it, indicates that he lived in Egypt under the rule of Romans . Nothing much is known about Claudius Ptolemyââ¬â¢s upbringing or his family. ââ¬Å"Where did Ptolemy come from?â⬠, ââ¬Å"Where was he born?â⬠are the questions which are still asked today but the answers have been lost with time. All that is known is Ptolemy started becoming renowned as someone who had a keen mathematical and astronomical sense. He became popular in Thebaid and later, in Alexandria, where he began to reside in his adulthood. Star Gazing Nothing much is known about Ptolemyââ¬â¢s ancestry, apart from what can be deciphered from the details of his name. However, the modern researchers are sure of one fact, that it was Ptolemy who wrote the great edict called Almagest at around 150 AD. Ptolemy wrote in Greek and utilised Babylonian astronomical data. In spite of being a Roman citizen, most of the scholars came to a common understanding that Ptolemy was ethnically Greek, although some others also had the opinion that he was a Hellenised Egyptian. In most of the later Arabic sources, he is referred to as, ââ¬Ëthe Upper Egyptianââ¬â¢, which means that he may have belonged to southern Egypt. Hence, the Arabic geographers and physicists referred to him by his Arabic name Batlaymus. Ptolemy built his reputation owing to his astronomical works, wherein he had recorded the existence of 1000 stars, out of which 300 were his finds. He is also credited with coming up with the first practical theory of Refraction of Light. He was precise in his discussions about the dimensions of the planet. Ptolemy came up with a compilation of the ancient view of astronomy in an astronomical manual called Almagest. He used the 800-year-old astronomical observations by his predecessors as a reference point for this purpose. He also added his conclusions on the basis of this reference as his vision of the universe. Ptolemyââ¬â¢s successors considered the Almagest to be the Gospel of astronomy for many centuries throughout medieval Europe. The ancient Greeks believed in the theory that the path of the planets was completely spherical, were discarded later as it was proved later that the orbits of the planets are elliptical. Even Ptolemy had been convinced by this earlier belief. Going Into the Orbit In Ptolemyââ¬â¢s manual, it was clearly seen that he followed the steps of Aristotle, whom he considered his ideal. Aristotle had come up with a theory that the planets moved in a continuous and uniform motion in perfect circles. As per Ptolemyââ¬â¢s observation he concluded that earth is a spherical object which remains freely suspended in the centre of the Universe. One of the studies revealed the stars to be bodies which were fixed to a strong exterior of the Universe which lay beyond the orbit of Saturn. A large number of these studies were based on Aristotleââ¬â¢s philosophy but Ptolemy added his inputs by calculating the motion of each planet in great detail and thus came up with his contribution to astronomy. One of his early works, the ââ¬ËAlmagestââ¬â¢ provided a detailed study of the Mathematical theory of the movements of the Sun, the Moon and other planets. Ptolemyââ¬â¢s theory that the planets move in circular epicycles along their orbits, which was wel l-received during those days. The Almagest was preserved in Arabic manuscripts, like most of the Classical Greek Science. By the 12th century, it gained the desired reputation and was widely sought after. Due to its popularity, it was translated twice into Latin, once into Sicilian and then into Spanish. Like Ptolemyââ¬â¢s predecessors, his model was geocentric and received almost complete acceptance universally until simpler heliocentric models were introduced during the scientific revolution. Ptolemyââ¬â¢s theory of Planetary Hypotheses extended beyond the explanation given in the Mathematical model of the Almagest. The Planetary Hypotheses depicted the physical realisation of the Universe in the form of nestled spheres and used the epicycles of this planetary model to portray the dimensions of the Universe. According to his calculations, the sun was at an average distance of 1,210 earth radii, while the radius of the sphere of the fixed stars was 20,000 times the radius of the Earth. To calculate astronomical calculations in Handy Tables, Ptolemy introduced an efficient tool which tabulated all the data required to calculate the positions of the Sun, the Moon and the planets, as well as the rising and setting of the stars and the eclipses of the Sun and Moon. This Handy Tables became the basic model which was improvised later as astronomical tables or zijes. Ptolemy also worked on a star calendar or Almanac, which he prepared with the help of the positions of the hands and disappearances of stars during the solar year. This was presented in the Phaseis (Risings of the Fixed Stars). His observations made a huge impact in those days and made Ptolemy somewhat of a seer or scholar. Mapping it Out Apart from Ptolemyââ¬â¢s tremendous contribution to the understanding of astronomy throughout the world, he also laid down the groundwork to the future cartography or the study of maps. He wrote another treatise on the lines of the Almagest, compiling his knowledge of Geography, along with what was already known through the Roman Empire. An important source of information for the book, Geographia, written by Marinos of Tyre, an earlier geographer and the gazetteers of Roman and ancient Persian Empire. Ptolemy began the book with a discussion of the data and the methods used by him to write down the book. The book was written in a much organised pattern on the lines of following a grand scheme. He assigned co-ordinates to all the places and geographic features he knew in a grid that spanned the globe which was quite similar to the work of Marinos. The Latitude that we know of today and is measured from the equator was done by Ptolemy but he named it as climata, which was the length of the longest day rather than degrees of arc. For example, the length of the mid-summer day increased from 12 to 24 hours as one moved from the equator to the polar circle. In books 2 through 7, Ptolemy used degrees. He assigned 0 degrees longitude to the Blessed Islands or the Canary Islands, which was the most western land on the extreme left of blue sea of Ptolemyââ¬â¢s map. This was identified by the six dots that were also labelled as Fortunata islands. Most medieval mapmakers followed the instructions that Ptolemy had devised and mentioned it in the Geographia. The second part of the Geographia contained Ptolemyââ¬â¢s Oikoumene or the map of the whole world. The area of Oikoumene extended from 180 degrees of longitude from the ââ¬ËBlessed Islandsââ¬â¢ in the Atlantic Ocean to the middle of China and about 80 degrees of latitude from Shetland to anti-Meroe or the east coast of Africa. His map indicated he knew only about the quarter of the globe. He improved the projections of his maps than they were since the third century BC. However, Ptolemyââ¬â¢s maps were inaccurate as compared to the modern maps because he took the size of the Earth as being only 500 stadia for a great circle degree on the globe. The Bible of Astrology Along with the Almagest which spoke at lengths about astronomy, it is believed by some that Ptolemy also wrote a 4-part treatise on astrology called the Tetrabiblos, which in Greek terms means, Four Books. But there are others who believe that Tetrabiblos wasnââ¬â¢t written by Ptolemy. In fact, many scholars state that he must have just given the term Apotelesmatika, meaning Astrological Outcomes, as it was found in some Greek manuscripts. It is said that Tetrabiblos was revered as much as the authority of a Bible by the astrological writers for more than thousand years. It is an extensive database based on the ancient principles of horoscopic astrology and as a result has been continuously reprinted. However, it could not come up to the level of Almagest as it did not touch upon some popular areas of the subject such as medical astrology and event astrology which was interpreting astrological charts for a particular moment to determine the outcome of a course of action to be initiated at that time. However, these were later incorporated into the treatise. Ptolemy was of the belief that astrology was a science which tried to describe the physical effects of the heavenly bodies on the terrestrial life but unsuccessfully. Although he had no issues with the basic validity of the traditional astrological doctrines but he worked at modifying the details so that aligns with the Aristotelian conception of nature, matter and change. Ptolemy had a practical view of astrology. He believed that astrology was conjectural like medicine as many variable factors had to be taken into account. While to assess the requirement of the medicine factors such as the race, country and upbringing of a person had been taken into account for astrology the deciding factors were the position of the Sun, Moon and the planets at the precise moment of their birth. So he considered astrology to be useful in life, but in no way, relied upon it completely. A later pseudepigraphical composition known as Centiloquium, a collection of 100 aphorisms ascribed to Ptolemy, was commented upon by the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin scholars. Striking a Chord Ptolemy had resided in the Roman Empire, where music was given a high status as an art form. His work called ââ¬ËHarmonicsââ¬â¢, is an observation on Music theory and mathematics of music. Ptolemy was very critical of his predecessorsââ¬â¢ approach to the Musical theory. As per his theory he based the musical intervals on mathematical ratios, which was contrary to the belief followed by Aristoxenus and in sync with the belief accepted by the followers of Pythagoras. Ptolemy further propounded the theory which was first spoken about by Pythagoras about the musical notes being translated into mathematical equations and vice versa in Harmonics. He also wrote at length about an intense diatonic scale, which was later incorporated by many musicians. Another commendable contribution of Ptolemyââ¬â¢s work is Optics. However today, the only Optics that has survived is in poor Arabic translations and in around 20 manuscripts of a Latin version of the Arabic, translated by Eugene of Palermo, Circa 1154. Ptolemy wrote about the properties of light, including reflection, refraction and the colour in it.. The work is a significant part in the early history of optics. The more famous Eleventh Century Optics by Alhazn (Ibn al-Haytham) was majorly influenced by this work. It contained the earliest surviving table of refraction from air to water, for which the values (with the exception of the 60 degree angle of incidence), although historically praised as experimentally derived, it seemed to have been obtained from an arithmetic progression. It had the earliest surviving table of refraction from air to water for the values with the exception of the 60 degree angle of incidence. It seemed to have been obtained from an arithematic progression although it is said to be derived experimentally. Ptolemyââ¬â¢s work is based on the combination of mathematical, philosophical and physiological traditions. His theory of vision was based on extramission-intromission theory; the rays (or flux) from the eye formed a cone, the vertex being with the eye and the base defining the visual field. The rays were sensitive and conveyed information back to the observerââ¬â¢s intellect about the distance and orientation of surfaces. The size and shape of the object get determined by the visual angle subtended at the eye, combined with perceived distance and orientation. This was one of the initial statements of size-distance invariance as a cause of perceptual size and shape constancy, which was a view supported by the stoics. Ptolemy provided explanations for many phenomena concerned with illumination, and colour, size, shape, movement and binocular vision. He also classified illusions according to those caused by factors such as physical, optical and judgmental. However, his explanatio n of the Sun or Moon illusion was obscure (the enlarged size on the horizon) which was the difficulty of looking upwards. Footprints in the Sand It is believed that Ptolemy died around 168 AD in Alexandria, the city where his work flourished. He left a lasting impression on most of the researchers existing during that time. Although his works were controversial, in recent times, it has been discovered that his studies still contain important clues and observations that are practical. Many objects or characters have been named after Ptolemy as a tribute to his immense contribution to the modern day Astronomy, Astrology and Geography. Some of them include, the crater Ptolemaeus on the Moon, the crater Ptolemaeus on Mars, the Asteroid 4001 Ptolemaeus, A Character in the Fantasy series, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Track number 10 on Selected Ambient Works 85ââ¬â92 by Aphex Twin, the Ptolemy Stone used in the Mathematics courses at both the St. Johns College campus. Sir Patrick Moore, an English astronomer and TV presenter called his cat by the name of Ptolemy and the name of a music magazine was called Ptolemaic Terrascope. With the information of Ptolemyââ¬â¢s life being virtually unknown, it is only his work and legacy that do justice to his biography.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
The smell of thanksgiving dinner piques your interest long before you see it. Visions of roasted meats, potatoes dripping with gravy, butter soaked rolls and steaming pumpkin pies dance through your mind. However, when you run downstairs and observe the feast, you can hardly believe your eyes, plates overflow with foods youââ¬â¢ve never seen before: Yellowstone carrots, Royal Burgundy beans, Golden beets, and a Bourbon Red turkey. The color wheel cooked and set on your table sparking images of a completely different time, when the producer of our food was the farmer down the road; when our freshly prepared meals were packed with nutrients and the words affordable and healthy went hand-in-hand. In todayââ¬â¢s American life, this vision of our food system is nowhere near our dinner plates. We were once confined to eating what was within sight and within season, but no longer do climates or distances constrain our menus. Our pantries are full year round -- all foods and all seasons. Plus, its cheap; so cheap that of each dollar we spend only nine cents will be on the life sustaining nutrients our bodies demand according to Annette Clauson in 2010 on behalf of the United State Department of Agriculture. However, two side effects of this system are becoming ever more obvious. First, we face a major food-related health care crisis and second, our farmers continue to experience economic insecurity. Fortunately, a forward-thinking group of people works to solve these problems by turning back the clock and taking a lesson from better times. They ask, ââ¬Å"What if instead of being shipped from unknown locations, our food came from closer to home, from our friends and neighbors whose practices we know and whose livelihood we can support?â⬠They seek t... ...he country which is documented by Martinez for the Department of Agriculture where he also discusses how community supported agriculture programs sustain nearly 1,500 farms. Chico has our very own farmers markets and they vary throughout the year of what day. They sell flowers, food, fresh crops, plus other locally produced items. The potential for these numbers to grow is enormous; especially if people want this food. With such powerful information streaming on a daily basis, think of what the future could hold: a food system where the agrarian heritage of our nation refocuses on a nutritionally sustainable, economically healthy future. Where consumers know the producers of their quality food and where agriculture is a financially robust enterprise. Making this vision a reality doesnââ¬â¢t require anything radical; we must simply try to buy local as often as we can.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Chpl 500 Writing Assigment 1
LIBERTY UNIVERSITY WRITING ASSIGMENT ONE a RESEARCH paper sUBMITTED TO Dr. Charlie Davidson iN PARTIAL FULFILMENT oF THE REQUIREMENTS chpl 500 lIBERTY Baptist THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BY wILLIAM nESTOR LAGRANGE GA March 24, 2013 When we think of a chaplain we think in of those who sever in the military providing spiritual comfort to soldierââ¬â¢s hospital. This role of spiritual leader can be traced back to the Roman imperial period where the Roman emperor was not just in charge ruling the empire but also was in charge of the state religion.Since the emperor was head of the state religion he was known as the ââ¬Å"pontifex maximusâ⬠and it was his job to maintain the ââ¬Å"pax deorum (peace of the gods)â⬠to ensure welfare of the state. Those who served in Roman army religion were important, in every camp there was a shrine called aedes signorum which was locate at the headquarters. Within military there were personal that held different religious responsibilities such as victimarius and turarius who were the incense keepers. It was not until the fourth century when Christian clergy began to emerge in the Roman army.The source that is often looked at about the use of Christian clerics comes from Eusebius of Caesarea. In his report Life of the Emperor Constantine when he engaged in war he would make his tent in shape of a church to have sacred edifice to worship God in which the priests and deacons would provide the service according to the law of the church. Other group soldiers that practice religion was the Barbarians who professed Arian from of Christianity and these soldiers were attached the Roman army and were the first examples of Christianââ¬â¢s clerics being attached to an army unit.The Arian clerics would follow the barbarian armies for practical because when the armies would travel they could not find any Arian churches to meet the spiritual needs of the soldiers at the time. As stated earlier Christian clergy started to be used by the Roman army by Emperor Constantine who had vision of a cross which lead him to paint the symbol on his legionaries shield. This would also lead to other rituals to help Romans soldiers moral they would eventually use Christian relics and litanies and on the sails of the ships they would paint pictures of the Virgin.As move from the Roman imperial period to the Middle Ages religious leaders took continue to maintain the moral of the men who were fighting and facing imminent death. Chaplains gather their flock and provided liturgical services like penitential rites of purification and supplication because they believe war was the result of sin and the outcome was divine judgment. During the Crusades the fighters would fast three days and only take the Eucharist.They would bless the standard of the forces and would lead the soldiers with a processional cross or a prized relic. Chaplains would provide special blessings to provide protection on things like The Crusaderââ¬â¢s Holy Lance because it was used a tool to communicate during chaos of combat. Just by looking at two different time periods religion was very important to people and the spiritual leaders had their hands full to maintain moral of people especially those who served in military units.They have to deal with stress of war and the toll it would take on the soldiers, this is the same thing that modern chaplains or religious leaders deal with today and it is not an easy job. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â [ 1 ]. Doris L. Bergen, ed. , The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century (Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2004), 29. Chpl 500 Writing Assigment 1 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY WRITING ASSIGMENT ONE a RESEARCH paper sUBMITTED TO Dr. Charlie Davidson iN PARTIAL FULFILMENT oF THE REQUIREMENTS chpl 500 lIBERTY Baptist THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BY wILLIAM nESTOR LAGRANGE GA March 24, 2013 When we think of a chaplain we think in of those who sever in the military providing spiritual comfort to soldierââ¬â¢s hospital. This role of spiritual leader can be traced back to the Roman imperial period where the Roman emperor was not just in charge ruling the empire but also was in charge of the state religion.Since the emperor was head of the state religion he was known as the ââ¬Å"pontifex maximusâ⬠and it was his job to maintain the ââ¬Å"pax deorum (peace of the gods)â⬠to ensure welfare of the state. Those who served in Roman army religion were important, in every camp there was a shrine called aedes signorum which was locate at the headquarters. Within military there were personal that held different religious responsibilities such as victimarius and turarius who were the incense keepers. It was not until the fourth century when Christian clergy began to emerge in the Roman army.The source that is often looked at about the use of Christian clerics comes from Eusebius of Caesarea. In his report Life of the Emperor Constantine when he engaged in war he would make his tent in shape of a church to have sacred edifice to worship God in which the priests and deacons would provide the service according to the law of the church. Other group soldiers that practice religion was the Barbarians who professed Arian from of Christianity and these soldiers were attached the Roman army and were the first examples of Christianââ¬â¢s clerics being attached to an army unit.The Arian clerics would follow the barbarian armies for practical because when the armies would travel they could not find any Arian churches to meet the spiritual needs of the soldiers at the time. As stated earlier Christian clergy started to be used by the Roman army by Emperor Constantine who had vision of a cross which lead him to paint the symbol on his legionaries shield. This would also lead to other rituals to help Romans soldiers moral they would eventually use Christian relics and litanies and on the sails of the ships they would paint pictures of the Virgin.As move from the Roman imperial period to the Middle Ages religious leaders took continue to maintain the moral of the men who were fighting and facing imminent death. Chaplains gather their flock and provided liturgical services like penitential rites of purification and supplication because they believe war was the result of sin and the outcome was divine judgment. During the Crusades the fighters would fast three days and only take the Eucharist.They would bless the standard of the forces and would lead the soldiers with a processional cross or a prized relic. Chaplains would provide special blessings to provide protection on things like The Crusaderââ¬â¢s Holy Lance because it was used a tool to communicate during chaos of combat. Just by looking at two different time periods religion was very important to people and the spiritual leaders had their hands full to maintain moral of people especially those who served in military units.They have to deal with stress of war and the toll it would take on the soldiers, this is the same thing that modern chaplains or religious leaders deal with today and it is not an easy job. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â [ 1 ]. Doris L. Bergen, ed. , The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century (Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2004), 29.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Management/performance Appraisal Essay
The movie ââ¬Å"Office Spaceâ⬠is a satirical version of the challenges identified in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In the movie, Peter Gibbons, the character played by Ron Livingston is the quintessential corporate employee who characterizes the ailments that the Industrial Psychology aims to identify and cure. Office Space points out some burning issues that have emerged with the evolution of the corporate culture. Motivation Employee motivation is a constant challenge for every organization whether it has a strong and ambitious mission statement or not. In the interview with the consultants ââ¬Å"Bobsâ⬠Gibbons articulates it accurately when he states that he is not motivated because any extra effort he puts in might lead to a leap in the share price of the Initech stock or better rewards for his management but he is not compensated in any way. He also bluntly points out that the productive period of his, in a regular week is around 15 minutes. This is a challenge that most organizations face, where the job description leaves a lot to be desired in terms of adequate motivation for its employees to work at peak performance levels for a long duration of time. Management/performance Appraisal In the vexing issue of cover sheets for TPS, Gibbons is harassed by more than one boss. He might be exaggerating when he says that he has to report to eight different bosses but he is right in the fact that an employee begins feeling highly insecure when his performance is scrutinized with unusual and unwarranted vigor and by more than one supervisor. Personnel Recruitment and Selection In the entire movie, one of the most effective characters, Milton Waddams, so efficiently played by Stephen Root, is shown as an ineffective employee but is never clear what his role and responsibility is in the organization. In fact he is revealed to have remained in the organization due to a technical glitch though he was sacked five years ago. Any organization needs ot identify every employeeââ¬â¢s strengths and weaknesses through its recruitment processes and also nurture their talent through constant training and knowledge initiatives. Change management is an essential function of the management and ineffective handling of such functions leads to the wide spread paranoia that becomes evident in the reactions of the employees towards the external consultants. Team Effectiveness Initech does have a bunch of talented people in Michael Bolton, Samir Nagheenanajar, Peter Gibbons et al, but fails to build effective team spirit because of the low motivation levels and constant insecurity. Besides every employee is preoccupied with their own woes of the working environment and busy dealing with it, rather than trying to maximize their productivity. Leadership In this movie, the characterization of Bill Lumbergh, played so obnoxiously by Gary Cole ( which means he has succeeded completely) is the perfect example of all that might go wrong with the leadership teams of corporates. He is a bully by nature and does not take any initiative to listen to his team members. He is a throw back to an older era when bosses were treated like royalty. Today the leadership has to play a more constructive role and infuse a sense of inclusiveness in decision making. The scene where he asks Gibbons to come in to work on both the days of the weekend without any explanation or pretense of asking for an opinion is classic Mike Judge. When reviewed in detail, Office Space provides examples of almost all the important issues that form the crux of Industrial/Organizational Psychology but the topics mentioned above are the most significant representations of the conflict and the treatment of the movie. While it is important to note the topical significance of the movie, the experience is rendered enjoyable due to some superb performances and believable exaggerations. That, perhaps is the basic reason for the movieââ¬â¢s cult status on the DVD circuit though its theatrical run did not make it a super hit.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The History of the Sony Walkman
The History of the Sony Walkman According to Sony, In 1979, an empire in personal portable entertainment was created with the ingenious foresight of Sony Founder and Chief Advisor, the late Masaru Ibuka, and Sony Founder and Honorary Chairman Akio Morita. It began with the invention of the first cassette Walkman TPS-L2 that forever changed the way consumers listen to music. The developers of the first Sony Walkman were Kozo Ohsone, general manager of the Sony Tape Recorder Business Division, and his staff, under the auspices and suggestions of Ibuka and Morita. Introduction of Cassette Tapes, a New Medium In 1963, Philips Electronics designed a new sound recording medium - the cassette tape. Philips patented the new technology in 1965 and made it available free of charge to manufacturers all over the world. Sony and other companies began designing new compact and portable tape recorders and players to take advantage of the cassette tapes smaller size. Sony Pressman Sony Walkman In 1978, Masaru Ibuka requested that Kozo Ohsone, general manager of the Tape Recorder Business Division, begin work on a stereo version of the Pressman, the small, monaural tape recorder that Sony had launched in 1977. Akio Moritas Reaction to the Modified Pressman This is the product that will satisfy those young people who want to listen to music all day. Theyll take it everywhere with them, and they wont care about record functions. If we put a playback-only headphone stereo like this on the market, itll be a hit. - Akio Morita, February 1979, Sony Headquarters Sony invented the compact and extremely lightweight H-AIR MDR3 headphones for their new cassette player. At that time, headphones weighed on average between 300 to 400 grams, the H-AIR headphones weighed just 50 grams with comparable sound quality. The name Walkman was a natural progression from Pressman. The Launch of the Sony Walkman On June 22, 1979, the Sony Walkman was launched in Tokyo. Journalists were treated to an unusual press conference. They were taken to Yoyogi (a major park in Tokyo) and given a Walkman to wear. According to Sony, The journalists listened to an explanation of the Walkman in stereo, while Sony staff members carried out various demonstrations of the product. The tape the journalists were listening to asked them to look at certain demonstrations, including a young man and woman listening to a Walkman while riding on a tandem bicycle. By 1995, total production of Walkman units reached 150 million and over 300 different Walkman models have been produced to date.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Maths Coursework Number Grid Essays
Maths Coursework Number Grid Essays Maths Coursework Number Grid Essay Maths Coursework Number Grid Essay I will start my investigation by looking at 2 by 2 squares. I will draw a square around 4 numbers, find the product of the bottom left and top right numbers and the product of the top left and bottom right numbers, then calculate the difference between the 2 products. I will see if there are any patterns and if so I will try to work it out algebraically.I will then look at changing the size of the squares to see if there are any patterns. I will try looking at 3 by 3 squares, 4 by 4 squares and 5 by 5 squares; I will do the same with these squares as I have with the 2 by 2 squares, I will find the products of the top left and bottom right and the bottom left and top right numbers then calculate the difference between them.Once I have fully investigated the patterns within the squares and found an algebraic formula for the patterns I will look at rectangles. I will start by looking at a 3 by 2 rectangle and looking for patterns there; if I find a pattern I will try to work out a formula for this pattern. I will then try changing the size of the rectangles and looking for patterns there. I will look at 2 by 4 rectangles, 5 by 3 rectangles and 4 by 5 rectangles.I will also look at changing the size of the number grids to see if this has an affect on the patterns. I will look at a 9 by 9 grid, an 11 by 11 grid and a 5 by 5 grid. I will be looking for patterns in 2 by 2 squares within the different size grids and trying to find an algebraic formula to explain my findings.First of all I am looking at 2 by 2 squares within a 10 by 10 grid. The squares I am looking at are highlighted in the grid below. I chose these squares randomly; there is no particular reason why I chose them.he different size grids and trying to find an algebraic formula to ex
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Subject Lines, Subscriptions and Submissions
Subject Lines, Subscriptions and Submissions Subject Lines, Subscriptions and Submissions Subject Lines, Subscriptions and Submissions By Maeve Maddox In this post I want to deal with some miscellaneous questions that have come to me via email. Subject Line Several readers have asked if I could put the days topic in the subject line of the subscription feed. I regret that the answer is: I cant. The way that the subscriptions are handled (Feedburner) does not give me the option of entering a post-specific description in the subject line. If it ever becomes possible, Ill do it. Subscriptions Every so often I get a request to enter a subscription for someone or to change an address. The subscription links are at the upper right-hand corner of the DWT page. Any address changes have to be made by the subscriber. Submissions Now and then writers ask about submitting articles or stories to this site. Language-related posts DWT does accept guest posts that conform to the following guidelines: 1. The post must be original. 2. The post must be related to the English language or writing in general (e.g., grammar, punctuation, freelance writing, writing exercises, etc. 3. The author must grant DWT the exclusive rights to publish it online. It may not be republished on the writers own blog or in an ebook. The writer does retain print rights. 4. Guest posts will include a byline with a brief bio about the author and up to two links (one for a website and one for a Twitter/social networking account). Submissions for guest posts may be addressed to Fiction submissions Apart from contests, DWT does not publish fiction. Because so many readers are looking for a chance to publish their fiction, Ive decided to keep my eye open for possibilities. I just heard about a literary magazine that is looking for submissions. Although published under the auspices of an Arkansas college, it is open to writers from anywhere. VISIONS: literary magazine published online by Northwest Arkansas Community College. No payment, but for a writer building a portfolio, that may not be a deterrent. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:Flier vs. Flyer25 Idioms with Clean
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business Schools Focus on Perfomance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business Schools Focus on Perfomance - Essay Example The above scenario was a major cause for the collapse of major companies in the world, especially financial institution, which had risked so much while practicing securitization. Other major institutions had to sellout cheaply, losing real value of what they were worth (estimated to be about $14.5 trillion in the U.S). Governments of some of the most powerful nations, also had to come to the rescue of some of the major business institutions by dishing out rescue packages that included huge sums of money to bail out the sinking giants (Bartlett and Ghoshal 1998). Business schools are the major institutions in the world that produce some of the financial gurus this world has to offer, and had to offer back then even before the global financial crisis. The blame can thus be entirely attributed to them for not imparting enough knowledge or rather, teaching irrelevant and impractical lessons to students who hold the future of the economy of the world upon them. Criticism should thus be ap preciated by these business schools and an objective to improve should be the target. Sumantra Ghoshal, a great business academician, since passed on, was one critique of the business schools and optimistically believed that the situation could be reverted or changed to offer improved and practical knowledge that would assist financial professionals be able to solve practical problems. In order to build a foundation that could avoid future financial crisis business schools globally have the responsibility to improve their curriculum to focus on more practical financial scenarios in the world rather than focus on performance. Role of Business Schools Any critique that could follow without the declaration of the real roles of business schools towards the modern day commercial discourse could be absolutely null and void. Below are some of the roles that Sumatra Ghoshal defined that Business schools have towards the contribution to a better business world. Business schools have the obli gation of instilling ethics to its students. Business ethics define the behavior that business parties should exhibit when dealing with matters that concern business. Ethics are responsible in inhibiting vices such as corruption, theft and general inappropriate characters in many business organizations. The other key role that business schools face is the responsibility to bring out a complete economic with the ability to deal with current business matters. Knowledge would be absolutely useless without the practical knowhow. Management research issues and internships fall in this category as they form the main parts in business schools responsible for practical knowledge. Business schools have the responsibility to impart to their students the mental capacity to apply knowledge imparted. Education is mostly done in a theoretical method, but such knowledge imparted should be focused on dealing with the real world situations in the contemporary world. Lack of the ability to apply know ledge would prove the hopelessness in business schools, a fact that Ghoshal, a great critique, wouldnââ¬â¢t want to believe was he still alive. Business Schoolsââ¬â¢ Target on Performance Content rather than Educational Content According to Sumantra Ghoshal,
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